March is Coming in Like a Lion and SO ARE YOU!


They say March comes in like a lion.

There is a light at the end of this tunnel. The end of the Winter weather is in sight. The days are getting longer, and the temps are getting warmer.

Your intentions for the new year have generated momentum. You are unstoppable.

The last month of the first quarter of 2021begins with a charge!

You are the lion.

Maintaining your emotional strength and tenacity requires care and feeding. Small, consistent actions add up to big results. No one is naturally unstoppable in making progress without being intentional in their self-care. Which of these activities would best serve you in creating more abundance and joy in your month of March?

Get out in nature:

  1. Take pictures of the changing season.

  2. Walk outside and log some steps. 10K a day keeps the bad mood away!

  3. Put your hands in the dirt and plant some seedlings to grow into the Spring season.

  4. Sit by an outdoor fire with your favorite people.

Things to do around the house:

  1. Clean out your closet. Purge the clothes that are never worn. Accept the fact they are outdated or don’t fit!.

  2. Put away all of your Winter décor!

  3. Stock your fridge and cabinet with healthy foods to reduce the amount of highly processed, sugar laden snacks.

  4. Log your expenses to tighten up the household budget.

Ways to spend your time alone:

  1. Read before bed instead of watching TV or scrolling the internet.

  2. Write a letter of gratitude each week to someone who touched your life in a meaningful way.

  3. Commit to a 30-day challenge of some sort. It doesn’t matter the goal (logging a set amount of push-ups, daily gratitude practice, eliminating social media, etc…), the challenge is about the discipline and commitment.

  4. Refine your affirmations to align with your goals for quarter one of 2021!

There is no greater satisfaction than looking back on the month feeling accomplished and productive. When you take care of yourself you are working toward achieving emotional security and mental strength. It is the foundation to standing in your power while cultivating your best life.

In addition to being a wife and mother, I am a personal development coach, psychotherapist, and entrepreneur. I hold a Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling and leverage my academic background and practical work as a therapist to provide guidance, support, and results for my coaching clients. I offer a complimentary 30-minute live call where we’ll explore the 3 Reasons You’re Not Earning the Money You Want. Are you ready for your Breakthrough?


Discover More Time in Your Day Without Sacrificing ANY Pleasure!


Where Does the Time Go?