A Note to Self in the New Year


I just finished writing by the fire, a personal note to myself highlighting all of my hopes and dreams for the new year. I gave up making resolutions a couple of years ago when I realized the power in setting intentions instead. Now, I sit and put pen to paper, completely old school. There is something about writing out each word, and watching the ink solidify my thoughts. I can't hit delete. I take back the thought. The words on paper document my inner voice so I can no longer deny what I dream life could be.

The process is a pure stream of consciousness. I don't let the pen lift from the paper, learning long ago in my memoir writing class the pause allows for overthinking and judgment. The self-critique that often triggers consideration that my dreams are too big. The overthinking that suggests I am hoping for too much. The judgment of how others may react if I declare my dreams as a true pursuit.

I let myself write. I may seem irrational, illogical even impractical. That is exactly the point. I entertain every thought, and continue to ask, "and then what," so it almost seems never ending.

I envision exactly who I want to be, embracing my journey of becoming.

For me, writing my intention for the new year is as much about my dreams as it is the attitude and energy I bring to my days. My intention shapes my mindset and grounds my perspective. It allows me to be kind to myself, and let go of my worries and fears. There is no room for failure when the intention is clear.

Consider taking a moment to yourself today and let your mind go. Put pen to paper giving value to your thoughts. They matter. You matter. Believe that.

I do.

In addition to being a wife and mother, I am a personal development coach, psychotherapist, and entrepreneur. I hold a Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling and leverage my academic background and practical work as a therapist to provide guidance, support, and results for my coaching clients. I offer a complimentary 30-minute live call where we’ll explore the 3 Reasons You’re Not Earning the Money You Want. Are you ready for your Breakthrough?


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